April 25, 2021
FistfulofPaintballs moderates a large community and does not play paintball...
This episode we speak to Erin / FistfulOfPaintballs Mechanical keyboard enthusiast and one of the ladies in our community, moderator in Discord servers and by no means someone lesser than any other just because of her gender! Texas Discord - Omnitype...
This episode we speak to Erin / FistfulOfPaintballs Mechanical keyboard enthusiast and one of the ladies in our community, moderator in Discord servers and by no means someone lesser than any other just because of her gender! Texas Discord - http://texmechs.click/ Omnitype Discord- https://discord.gg/UM44BQquZR
Thank you for listening!

Erin is a Mechanical keyboard enthusiast and one of the ladies in our community, moderator in Discord servers such as Omnitype and the Texas Discord server.